Sunday 15 November 2009

Have I really not posted anything for one and a half years?
In the last couple of months I have been to New York to see a new show written by Benny and Bjorn from ABBA called Kristina. If you like musicals ( as I do) and if you like Benny and Bjorn (as I do) then you will love Kristina (as I do). Check-out some of the clips on YouTube. I stayed at The Greenwich Hotel on Greenwich Street. what a hotel! What a location! I recommend it.
I went to a friend's 50th birthday last night. Great party. It was fancy dress and the theme was "Anything German." I went as Cardinal Ratzinger, the current Pope.
I got chatting to a guy there, a barrister. Stunning looking, incredibly sexy. Straight, of course. Why do I go for straight guys? I didn't drink all night at the party.
Heading into Soho in 10 minutes to meet a friend for coffee. Its a beautifully sunny day. Make the most of it. Could be the last one before next May.
Been looking at the "commercial" section on GAYDAR recently. There's a lot of commerce out there!